BC property assessment appeals
Given the volume of properties that the BC Assessment must evaluate, some may not be accurate. Discrepancies can arise if the assessor has outdated or incorrect information on the use or condition of a property.
If this is the case, property assessments can be challenged to change the value or classification through the appeal process. Once you have received your property assessment, you have until January 31, 2022, to file the Notice of Complaint (Appeal).
Important dates to remember
Valuation date: July 1, 2021
Assessment notices posted: Dec 31, 2021
Submitting an official Notice of Complaint (Appeal) Deadline: January 31, 2022
Property Assessment Review Panels (PARPs): February 1 – March 15, 2022
PARP decisions notices: April 7, 2022
Frequently asked questions
Should I appeal my property assessment?
In BC, property values are calculated based on market value. However, with COVID-19 and other market variables, the value of specific asset classes has increased significantly, leaving property owners to pay higher property taxes.
If you feel your property tax assessment is inaccurate, you can engage Altus Group to act on your behalf and lodge a Notice of Complaint (Appeal) with BC Assessment. A successful appeal can result in you receiving a fair and equitable property assessment, saving you thousands in reduced property taxes.
How can Altus Group help with my property assessment appeal?
Our BC property tax team will review your property assessment thoroughly and assess the following:
Was the correct assessment methodology applied? Note: there are different ways to evaluate the value of a property, such as income approach (office buildings, retail and industrial properties), direct comparison approach (residential), and cost approach (special purpose).
Is the assessment correct and equitable?
Was the appropriate interest valued?
Does the value include business enterprise or intangible value?
Are non-assessable assets included in the value?
We will work with you to gather all your supporting evidence and prepare the required documentation to present at the Property Assessment Review Panel (PARP) hearing.
How does the appeal process work?
The first level of appeal is to the Property Assessment Review Panel (PARP). All complaints (appeals) to PARP must be filed directly with BC Assessment by the January 31, 2022 deadline. The second level of appeal is the Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB). The deadline to file an appeal to the PAAB is April 30 of each year. You must file a complaint (appeal) with the PARP first before filing an appeal to PAAB.
How is my property tax calculated?
BC Assessment determines the market value of your properties based on a valuation date of July 1 2021, while the Provincial and Municipal governments (taxing authorities) determine the property tax rates for each of the nine property classes and applies the applicable tax rate in early spring. The government then applies this rate to the assessed value of properties and sends property owners a Tax Notice.
Why choose Altus Group?
If you are an owner of commercial property in BC and pay over $20,000 in property taxes annually, Altus Group can help you save thousands in reduced property taxes.
As a Canadian-owned company in operation for over 40 years, our national practice provides access to a wealth of information and market data on comparable properties across the country. Our property tax consultants use this data, combined with local expertise, to efficiently manage your tax liabilities and maximize potential tax savings.
BC Assessment Property Income & Expense Request (PIER) – Commercial Property
Owners of income producing properties will start receiving Income and Expense requests from BC Assessment (BCA) in late spring. Notices will be issued to owners of the following property types:
Industrial Warehouse
Golf Course
Mobile Home Park
Retirement/LTC Homes
Mixed Use
Responses are typically due 3 to 4 weeks later.
Frequently asked questions
Do I have to provide this information to BCA?
BCA is legally authorized to collect this data to prepare upcoming assessments and while penalties for non-compliance are rare, these requests should not be ignored.
*Depending on your property type, the due dates will be variable. The information gathered should be professionally reviewed and responded accordingly at the appropriate time.
Will COVID-19 impacts be included?
COVID-19 impacts should be reflected in the data, and BCA’s request letters will provide instructions how to incorporate this information into its online reporting format. Alternatively, as BCA will accept generated reports such as rent rolls and income/expense statements, owners should ensure that any changes to rental terms or additional costs not reflected in the reports are included with their submission.
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