Unlock commercial property ownership and asset data for 54M+ properties across the United States.
Discover REONOMY
One-stop shop for all the commercial property data you need
Reonomy makes it easy to source new deals and find off-market opportunities with its leading CRE property and ownership intelligence.

Make informed offers and identify off-market opportunities

Close more deals by accessing 54M+ commercial properties

Access powerful demographic insights

Uncover owner portfolios with access to 5.2M+ companies

Identify true owners with 30M+ owner and contact records

Make informed offers by accessing data on 42M+ mortgages
Explore Reonomy's extensive US real estate property and market data
Property details
Seed or enrich the universe of your database with key property details and enable derivative analysis.
Transaction history
Access sales and debt data to better understand property history and gauge potential opportunities.
Occupant data
Identify all locations for subject occupants or industries across the US to make better business decisions.
Ownership data
Create new records and update existing with ownership data, allowing you to make actionable decisions.
Ownership portfolios
Connecting information on properties, transactions, people and companies to provide access to portfolio intelligence.
Counties & MSAs
Combining our exclusive data networks, we cover more than 3,100 counties and 385 metropolitan statistical areas.
How Reonomy works
Unlock property intelligence with Reonomy
1. Start searching
Uncover off market opportunities by simplying searching an address, location or property owner across the US.
2. Apply filters
With more than 200+ filters, pinpoint specific commercial properties, comps, owner and contact information across the US.
3. Unlock insights
Understand properties and owners like never before with portfolio data, transaction and debt history. Arm your pitch with data.
4. Perform outreach
Identify the right decision makers to find the true owners of real estate assets and accelerate your business pipeline.
Hear what our customers saying
Get answers to commonly asked questions about Reonomy
What is Reonomy?
Reonomy is a leading commercial real estate technology and data solutions provider. We use our proprietary machine learning algorithms and AI capabilities to provide deeper property intelligence for developers, investors, brokers, and anyone else involved in the commercial real estate ecosystem.
Who is Reonomy for?
Reonomy delivers a comprehensive platform with a wide range of capabilities for professionals working in the commercial real estate ecosystem. Our customers include:
Construction and repair
Service providers
Tax professionals
How much does Reonomy cost?
We have several subscription plans available, depending on what features your business needs. To find the best plan, please contact our sales team.
We also offer a free trial of the Reonomy web app, where you can test and see the capabilities of our application.
How does the free trial work?
When your details have been received, you will be sent an email link to verify your account. Once activated, your free trial will begin and you will have access to the Reonomy web app,
*Please note: Only one email address and telephone number can be used to validate and activate the free trial.
What happens after the free trial period ends?
If you’re happy with what you have seen, we can discuss subscription pricing options with you and ensure your licence is extended so we can avoid any disruption on your side. Alternatively, if you feel Reonomy isn’t right for you, we will simply close your account.
*Please note: Only one email address and telephone number can be used to validate and activate the free trial.
commercial properties
property transactions
owners and contact records
Reonomy unlocks property ownership data for all commercial real estate properties across the United States
Reonomy web app
Ideal for investors, brokers, developers and service providers looking to access property, market, transaction and owner data.
Reonomy API
Power your applications and workflows with immediate access to Reonomy data made accessible via our API.
Bulk data feed
Our bulk data feeds provide an easy way to ingest Reonomy data in bulk, directly into your systems for offline use.