Key highlights
Owners of Ontario properties assessed in the commercial or industrial tax class may apply for rebate of taxes paid in 2023.
In this insight, we’ve broken down the details on eligibility and the process for accessing the rebate. Mark your calendars – as applications are due by February 29th, 2024.
Who is eligible for tax rebates?
Commercial and industrial property owners in Ontario may qualify for a rebate of their 2023 taxes, for properties in the following circumstances:
building damaged by fire, demolition or otherwise,
repairs or renovations prevented normal use of the property for at least three consecutive months in 2023,
a change in use or zoning that would result in a change of classification to a lower tax rate (example: from manufacturing to warehousing use or commercial to multi-residential zoning.
land ceases to be used for business purposes and becomes “vacant” or “excess” land, or
property becomes eligible for tax exemption under the Assessment Act. (example: used by hospital, municipalities or certain universities)
How can you apply for the rebate?
Step 1: Review your portfolio of properties
For any properties which are assessed in the commercial or industrial tax class, identify space which may fit the criteria noted in the eligibility section (see above).
Step 2: Complete the required application form
Each municipality uses its own form and these are generally available on their website or by contacting the Tax/Revenue office. You must ensure the application is delivered to the municipality on or before 4pm on February 29, 2024.
Step 3: Prepare supporting documents
As part of the application process (step 2), many municipalities require supporting documents. These may include building permits, a contractor’s letter, time stamped photographs, rent rolls and/or floor plans. In some circumstances municipalities may require a sworn affidavit. These requests are usually very time sensitive and should be addressed as quickly as possible to avoid jeopardizing the application.

David Coulter
Senior Director

David Coulter
Senior Director
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