The state of data science in commercial real estate investing
Learn about the global CRE market’s current state and future plans for adopting advanced data analytics and data science in investment management.
Want to know how your organization’s progress toward data science adoption compares to the rest of the CRE industry?
Altus’ research report on “The state of data science in commercial real estate investing”, provides you with those answers and more.
With more than 400 CRE professionals and industry leaders with influence over the development of advanced data analytics and data science surveyed, you will get one of the most comprehensive global views into data science adoption in CRE to date.
In this report, we will cover global and regional insights into the CRE community’s:
Investor goals and objectives for data science
Key disparities in levels of data science development and sophistication
Challenges in driving data science and advanced analytics adoption
Existing and future plans for in-house data science capabilities
Existing and future investments into external data science and analytics resources

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