Sustainability Report 2023
Sustainable stakeholder value creation
Good corporate citizenship lies at the core of our culture and our values. It’s also integral to preserving long-term value, safeguarding our financial performance and reputation, and bolstering resilience in the face of evolving regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations.
Our sixth annual sustainability report provides a comprehensive overview of the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics that matter most to our stakeholders and our business.

Our sustainability commitment
Our dedication to sustainability permeates every aspect of our organization. We are committed to:
Foster open, transparent, and ongoing engagement with stakeholders to understand and address their interests and expectations.
Proactively reduce our environmental footprint, aiming to positively impact the world around us.
Prioritize our people. Our commitment to clients begins with our employees, whose talent has solidified our position as an industry leader. We are dedicated to nurturing a culture of trust and excellence, enhancing the Altus Experience to attract, engage, and develop our workforce.
Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout our company, cultivating a supportive workplace that mirrors our culture and communities, where authentic engagement is encouraged, and diverse perspectives are valued.
Expand our philanthropic efforts to create meaningful change in the communities where our employees reside and work.
Mitigate cybersecurity risks by safeguarding data entrusted to us by clients, employees, and our organization, adhering to strict policies and regulations, and fortifying our IT infrastructure against external threats.
Uphold strong corporate governance, striving to surpass best practices in governance, accountability, transparency, and risk management.

Steady progress against our sustainability agenda
Notable ESG highlights from 2023:
Climate action: a modest decrease in our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reaffirms Altus’ low carbon footprint and proactive measures to mitigate environmental impact.
Talent management: our ongoing initiatives to foster a culture of high trust and high performance are translating to tangible improvements in employee experience, engagement, and recruitment.
Gender & BIPOC diversity: based on February 2024 data, 28% of managerial and above roles were filled by women, and 29% by those who self-identify as BIPOC, marking progress towards Altus’ goal of reaching 30%+ representation by 2025.
Cybersecurity & data privacy: sustaining top-tier cybersecurity and data privacy protocols remains a strategic priority with the 2023 external audit report based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework reaffirming the robustness and effectiveness of the Company’s security controls.
Governance: new nominations to Altus’ 2024 board of directors underscore a commitment to board refreshment, further aligning board expertise and experience with the Company’s evolving strategic direction.
Transparency and accountability through annual reporting
Our ESG reporting prioritizes topics that we believe hold significant relevance to our stakeholders and that have a substantial impact on our business operations.
As a data-driven, expert-led business, our key ESG risks primarily relate to our people, cybersecurity, data protection, and governance. While our direct exposure to environmental risks remains relatively minimal due to the nature of our business activities, we remain committed to prioritizing environmental stewardship as part of our ethos as responsible corporate citizens.

External ESG ratings on Altus Group
Our ESG performance is rated by independent institutions which currently includes a “AA” ESG rating from MSCI and a “negligible risk” score by Morningstar Sustainalytics.